Sunday, August 17, 2008

This child is evil...

Yeah, that's me around age six but it turns out I was evil incarnate. Check out the latest issue of Blanket to hear all my childhood confessions. I don't think I was that bad but when you put them all together, eek!

I also have to issue three warnings.

1. I have been known to watch the odd episode of Sex and the City and enjoy it. I'm not proud of it but there you go. BUT the SATC movie is an abomination and if you have had the good fortune of not seeing it, do not even consider it (I suspect most of my friends do not share my appetite for terribly trashy movies so I figure most of you will be safe). Why? It fails because a) the central characters are strong and smart in the TV show while in the movie they are written as petty imbeciles; b) the film indulges some clichés so inane that I was starting to claw at my flesh in agony; c) the movie involves some slap stick humour involving a dog that humps inanimate objects and a character with diarrhea that is so banal I thought maybe I was mistakenly watching a further installment of the American Pie franchise; d) the plot is so predictable I could say lines before the character's spoke them and if you can't guess the ending within the first 20 minutes (of a 2 hour 17 minute extravaganza of average), you're a moron; and e) it was kind of racist. There, I said it. Do not see this film even (or especially) if you liked the TV show.

2. The new Pivot album sucks beyond belief. Do not believe the hyperbolic reviews and that they've signed to Warp Records, there is only one word for this album and that word is prog... and not even good prog at that. You may say "Jon, they are furthering the form of electronic music by deconstructing the boundaries of the traditional song..." I say Prog. You may say "Jon, you have mediocre taste in music at best and surely this is symptomatic of your inability to like anything that is remotely challenging?" P.r.o.g! "Pivot represent the next wave of music and challenges listeners to embrace different musical horizons that leave dinosaurs such as yourself behind..." PROG!!! If you like (or pretend to like) this album you're nothing more than a skinny jean wearing Pitchfork wannabe. Go buy some Rush or Hawkwind, hippie! It is unlistenable twaddle. (For the record, I like their last album).

3. Currently the world wide number one song is I kissed a girl by Kate Perry. It sucks, it is insulting and makes Rihanna sound like Mahler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVED the blanket confession; when are u writing yr novella? it will be one helluva novella. and yes, you should put that pic on the front. is it ture that u are starting new blog for impending travels?
sunny xx
ps: pho. soon.