Insert small description of where you are and what's happening.

Insert witty comment about the cultural aspects of the place.

Insert comment taking the piss out of myself.

Insert vaguely amusing anecdote here.

Insert vaguely amusing anecdote but then follow it up with a serious comment.

Insert insightful cultural observation here.

Insert final commentary on how you loved it and where you're going next.

Insert PS about something irrelevant
PS heading back to Bangkok tomorrow and then onto Cambodia from the 8th so this will be the last of the pictorials for a while. I'm yet to cover Chiang Mai and an amazing trip to Mae Hong Son. There's also my shots of the dogs of Thailand who are a constant source of amusement for me but that'll have to wait. Laters, no more internets for me for a while...
Hi like the first photo puts into perspective where we stand in the greater picture of things, it was'nt till I clicked on the photo and got the larger one that I relised you were even there Jon, anyway must say what a good batch of photos must be Ruth's handiwork keep the good work up, dont know when you manage to see all these things with the ammount of blogging you are doing. On a cooler note good job you are not in the UK until May hopefully it will have warmed up by then and not the -4 in the early morning that we have now, with snow forecast for Thursday well the pair of you keep enjoying and have fun not that I need to tell you that G & J
P.S posted this at the wrong place should be here
ironically this is what i tried to say a few weeks back. fingers crossed it works this time:
onya jonboy. you've dragged me into the 21st century by finally making me interact with a blob.
i feel a bit dirty but kinda like the way it's like you're talking to me personally and yet there's hundreds maybe thousands of us salivating monsters out here.
keep up the fine work. say hello to your extremely attractive (and talented - Ed) travelling companion for me x
ahh Gary, I just blog when I've got free time and there's a computer handy but I'm trying to make it as crappy as possible. The weather here is slightly warmer, its 9:30pm and 35 degrees here (Phnom Penh)
Dorby, nice to hear from you. Have you moved? I don't know where to send your postcard...
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